On line programme

What you need to know about nutrients and binge eating

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Many of my clients battle with emotional eating and bingeing - unbeknownst to them, common nutrient deficiencies may well be part of the picture. A recent study has confirmed what I regularly see in clinic; It is extremely common for women of all ages in the UK to have insufficient (if not deficient) levels of a number of key nutrients.

We must consume the relevant raw materials in order to produce the brain chemicals that play a significant role in appetite and hunger. Deficiencies in magnesium, selenium, zinc and vitamin D may be contributing to the picture and can be remedied with a well-balanced diet.

Furthermore, we require protein from our diet to obtain essential amino acids which are the building blocks of brain chemicals such as serotonin (the feel good neuro transmitter) and dopamine which lies at the heart of our brain’s reward centre. Vegetarians and particularly vegans may be lacking in specific amino acids which are created when protein from our diet is broken down, digested and absorbed.

The good news is that nutritional therapy can address this by correcting any deficiencies and blood sugar levels to help with sugar cravings. But we cannot only focus on the ‘what’ you’re eating, Eating psychology and mindset work play an important role. I have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of women within my Food Freedom one to one programmes using my integrated approach with transformative results.

I have since created, tested and trialled the Food freedom Method on line coaching programme which addresses all the components of my one to one work. I’m excited to be launching the new programme very soon to enable me to help more women across the world overcome this very real struggle.

If you are ready to transform your life, join the waiting list to gain access to the special, one-time only launch price and find out more


Struggle with compulsive eating? What you need to know about hyper-palatable foods


Ever tried to eat a crisp and stop at one? Like many processed foods, crisps contain a combination of carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, salt and often sugar that affect our brain-reward circuitry. They overpower our appetite signals that tell us when we’re full. These foods have been coined hyper-palatable foods, by researchers studying their powerful effects.

Most processed foods commonly consumed in Europe and the US, meet the hyper-palatable food criteria. This was defined and accepted in 2019 by researcher’s who came up with specific quantities and proportions within processed foods that have the ability to affect our brain chemistry in this way.

Professor Fazzino and his team conducted a study that found that food companies have well designed formulas for foods to increase the amount we eat. The scientists believe they can activate our brain neuro-circuits in a similar way to cocaine. The researchers also discovered that these foods may have the ability to overcome our satiety and fullness signals that tell us when to stop eating.

I would forgive you for thinking foods labelled low or reduced sugar, fat or salt would not qualify in this rather special food category. However, the same study found that 49% of such foods also met the criteria. Understandably it feels almost impossible for most to navigate the food isles and avoid these brain hacking food products.

Most people I work with to overcome compulsive and emotional eating feel guilty and blame themselves, they feel society blames them for having no will power, failing at diets and not being ‘good’ enough. However, the battle is so much more complex than having will power. The addictive nature of these foods is one of the many components making it so hard.

If this is your struggle, I want you to know you are not alone. I work with people just like you, who need a new approach to gaining balance and moderation in their life. I will help you to take back control without feeling deprived or hungry.

I developed The Food Freedom Method online coaching programme, after working with hundreds of women who shared your pain. It looks at how, what and why you eat, incorporating nutritional therapy, coaching and the psychology of emotional eating.

My proven 8 step method will coach you through the process giving you all the tools you need to finally overcome the cycle of overeating and dieting. It will help you shed the layers of shame and guilt and be able to accept yourself. You will discover how to make sense of what your brain and body are going through, feel supported and empowered.

If you are ready to transform your life, join the waiting list to gain access to the special, one-time only launch price and find out more

How to make a healthy version of this classic takeaway favourite......


Ditch the takeaway and make this super-healthy pizza instead! It makes a fabulous weekend meal for all the family- simple to throw together and tasty too!

This recipe was taken from my next 28 day- Online Nutrition and Lifestyle Programme starting on 16th June. I’m offering a special early bird price of £49 until 12th June. Thereafter price will be £59.

For more information or to book click here: http://marcellerosenutrition.co.uk/shop/summer-shape-up-28-day-nutrition-and-lifestyle-programme


Summer Shape Up 28 Day Online Nutrition and Lifestyle Programme

Would you like to establish healthy habits , restore energy levels, reset your metabolism and reduce cravings ?

There’s no deprivation, restriction or  calorie counting – just tasty, simple, easy-to-prepare, meal options in a 46-page meal plan, that you can follow from the comfort of your own home.

✅ This is a 28-day eating plan based on real, unprocessed whole foods, low starchy carbohydrates, good complex carbohydrates, lean protein and  healthy fats. NO calorie, or points counting allowed!

✅ Easy to prepare meals that are family friendly.

✅ Accessible anytime, anywhere via a private Facebook group this is a virtual plan that you can manage to suit your busy schedule.

✅ Health questionnaire at the beginning and completion of the plan to assess progress.

✅ Exclusive online access through a private Facebook group to nutritional advice and support from Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach, Marcelle Rose

✅ Daily nutrition and lifestyle tips on digestion, cravings, sleep and more!

✅ Facebook live Q&A's to answer questions and deal with any challenges

✅ A programme support pack including a flexible meal planner, shopping list and recipes.

✅ Digital book of recipes/meal plans: can be used on a smartphone, tablet or print out.

✅ Member of a supportive private Facebook group.

✅ Your investment: £59 (early bird Price £49 if booked by 12th June)

What previous participants have said:

“I’ve felt mentally and physically better, had more energy and lost weight. I’m happy now that I know what I need to do to get over cravings - I’d been really struggling in the evenings and have felt so much better on the programme. Your meal plans had just the right amount of variety without overwhelming me with too much choice. I can look at healthier eating as not just normal eating less the tasty things but as replacing food that doesn’t make me feel good with food that does. I finally made some fit fudge as an occasional treat to celebrate! I’m sure the test will come now but remembering the 80/20 rule. Thank you!

“I just wanted to say a big thank you Marcelle Rose. I’d been struggling to lose the last of my baby weight and as a tired and busy Mum I had lost the motivation to make good food choices. You’ve given me inspiration, some new knowledge and great recipes which all the family can enjoy.”

“I love the recipes you provided and I have definitely come out of my comfort zone in terms of cooking”

“Thanks so much Marcelle. Have discovered some new family favourites (we all loved the healthy fish and chips last night) and reset my eating pattern for sure.”

“Since doing the challenge, I have definitely become more mindful of how I eat in general and I loved being part of a 'support' group. I have made some lasting, simple changes.

Marcelle is great. Organised, professional, approachable, she offers loads of guidance, motivation and is always close by for support.”

“Before starting the programme, my eating pattern was generally ok though it was carb heavy which often left me feeling sluggish & bloated. Now I have more energy and I am less sluggish. I am most happy about my weight loss. My advice to others thinking about doing the plan is just do it, it’s money well spent as you will see the results pretty quickly!”

“I've really enjoyed the challenge and learning more about how my body has reacted to the change. I feel so good, more energy and a little boost in confidence, having lost some weight and inches. Have loved the recreating the recipes and I know that I will continue following the plan when I'm at home but allow myself to relax if I'm out.”

“It's definitely worth it!!! I lost over half a stone and inches on my waist!!!”


Anyone, female or male, who is interested in improving their overall health and energy and getting ready for the summer. This works for those busy juggling ‘life’; recipes are family friendly so there is no need to cook different meals for other family members and the programme fits nicely around work schedules too!

You may be interested in nutrition but not quite ready to commit to a full nutrition programme. You may feel that you are generally healthy or have already completed a nutrition programme and need some additional support to keep you on track.

For more information or to book click here: http://marcellerosenutrition.co.uk/shop/summer-shape-up-28-day-nutrition-and-lifestyle-programme

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